Your Eyes and Vision

The mechanism of “seeing” is quite simple. When you focus on an object, the rays of light that reflect from that object enter your eye and then focus on your retina, which is very sensitive to light. The retinal cells than sent messages to the brain via the optic nerve and the brain interprets these messages, owing to which we “see” the object.

20/20 Vision

In optometric terms, 20/20 vision is simply normal vision. In other words, it is visual acuity and sharpness measured at a distance of 20ft from the object in focus. If your vision is found to be 20/20, you can see the object clearly when you stand at a distance of 20ft from it. If your vision is found to be 20/100, you have a reason to worry because you need to come as close as 20ft to the object while a person with 20/20 vision can see it clearly even from a distance of 100ft.

Your Child’s Vision

A huge majority of newborn babies are farsighted, which means that they are unable to see things that are close to them, but have no problem seeing things that are far away from them. A small percentage of newborns are myopic, which means that they can see things only if they are brought closer. Many babies are born with normal vision. These visual abnormalities usually normalize as the child grows up.

Effects of TV Watching and Reading on Vision

You can watch as much TV as you wish if you follow a few basic precautions. First, ensure that the room in which you generally watch TV is well lit and, second, follow certain TV watching tips such as avoiding watching TV for long hours. Usually watching TV is not as harmful for the eyes as reading or sewing is.You require 8 major varieties of vision skills when you read a book, and the typical eye chart test done in schools tests only one of these skills. During a rapid eye examination, one or two of these skills may be tested, but if you want your eyes tested for all these skills, you must undergo an exhaustive eye exam. In fact, if you are having problems reading, you must fix an appointment with your eye care specialist and get a comprehensive eye test done.

During a comprehensive eye test, your eyes will be tested for acuity, fixation, accommodation, binocular fusion, stereopsis, convergence, perception, and field of vision.

Eye Tests at Optometrist

You should get your eyes examined regularly even if you feel that you have absolutely no problems. The frequency, however, depends on a number of factors such as age, medical history, family history, and others.We offer excellent comprehensive eye testing services and chalk out an effective treatment plants based on test results. We will not only help you find out if you have visual defects and prescribe the best contact lenses or glasses for you, but will also help you choose frames and lenses best suited for you.